Depression is probably one of the most favored tools of the devil. How long must you or someone you know struggle with this problem? It is time we put the enemy of our souls in his place and quit falling prey to his devices. Come to this class and learn how to get victory over this debilitating condition.
In Matthew 24:38-39, Jesus identified out-of-control appetites as one of the signs of the last days. Seeking to satisfy some inner, underlying need, people are being driven by illicit appetites for more and more things. Discover how to identify the many ‘faces’ of addictions, how to find the root cause of the problem and obtain deliverance through JESUS CHRIST!
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence, abuse. Sadly, it is filling our churches. God’s people are suffering in silence on our pews. Emotional abuse is always a component of physical, sexual, and verbal abuse, but it can also stand alone. The perpetrator uses intimidation, humiliation, isolation, and fear to diminish their victim’s sense of self and sanity.
We really need women who can teach and minister to women who are abused. HMH now has such a lady.
Care Giver
Whether you are young, middle-aged, or the older adult in life, being a caregiver happens without being prepared. Needing answers? Feeling like you don’t have it all together? Are you faced with making decisions that you don’t want to make? Do you feel you are in this alone? Then this session is a must for those faced with the role of a caregiver. You will walk away knowing that Caregiving is not misery, but ministry!
From the stress of every day life, some time you may wish you could close your eyes In sleep and wake to a whole new day. However, each day seemingly brings its own new burden of stress.
Things like illness, role reversals, and juggling life’s issues often bring on stress that can seem insurmountable.
How do we deal with stress? Balance schedules? What about financial struggles? Stress can make us sick and cause us to make wrong decisions. Our teachers have survived many stressful situations and will be sharing insights and battle plans. In this day we need God’s divine direction more than the women of any other era.
Porn Addiction is not just a man’s issue, but something from which many women quietly and shamefully suffer. Even women in the church are vulnerable to this gripping sin. Or perhaps your husband or other loved one has this battle. According to a survey of Today’s Christian Woman’s online newsletter, 34% of its readers admitted to intentionally accessing Internet porn. An even more staggering statistic by Zogby International states one out of every six women, including Christians, struggle with an addiction to Internet porn. These statistics are very real. However, freedom from its bondage is also very real. If you or a loved one is caught in its trap, there is no need to be ashamed or to feel alone. There is hope today! There is deliverance. You won’t want to miss this class.
Family Mess
In the past few years our changing culture has caused many women to lose their way. In current lifestyles, marriage has become optional—live-in is more the norm. Many women are struggling to do and be something God never intended for them to do or be. Most of our problems come when we get out of God’s will for our lives. This class will deal with basic family issues. If you want to create a marriage that is great and fulfilling—come to this class. We will discuss some of the basic principles of marriage listed in the Word of God. Regardless of whether you are married or planning to get married in the future, this class is a must.
43% of all women will have at least one abortion and 47% of all abortions are performed on women who have had at least one previous abortion. No wonder women in our churches are still hurting. Psalm 6:2 says, Have mercy upon me, O Lord; for I am weak: O Lord, HEAL ME, for my bones are vexed. We need our Savior to heal the brokenness, and we need to be silent no longer. Whether you are considering an abortion…trying to recover from a past abortion…or needing to minister to ladies caught in this trap, you won’t want to miss this class. You will weep, laugh, cry during this class.
Anger! Anger!
Anger! How long will we continue to live with it! Not only are we hurting ourselves; we can destroy those around us whom we love the most. Much of our sickness and emotional pain can be caused by anger that we might not even be aware of having. Like a volcano, anger’s outward eruptions are the result of inward tension and heat. Its eruptions are unpredictable, and they hurt those closest to them. Eruptions cause far-reaching damage long after the volcano quiets down. Life around the volcano is never the same after it erupts. There is one main, primary key to resolving anger—how we see our rights. This is not about “Anger management,” but “Anger Resolution.”
A lively look at the wonderful world of the menopausal woman! The Bible’s account of THREE menopausal women, their DYNAMIC ministry and how you are a vital resource in the Kingdom of God!
You will learn:
- The physiological elements, signs, and symptoms of menopause.
- The different choices of treatments, including: dietary, herbal and hormone replacements.
- That regardless of what your friends and family think, you are NOT going crazy.
- That you’re most spiritually fulfilling and productive life is ahead of you!
Grief & Loss
A study from the book of Job. There are all kinds of losses, and all must be dealt with. Loss of husband, loss of job, loss of loved ones. Divorce, loss of a home. And on and on. No matter the loss, there will be grief.
What is the Godly response to trial and tragedy, to the loss of a dear and precious loved one? Many people have bought into the notion that a person has to follow the “seven stages” of grief that modern psychology has determined are necessary for healthy grieving. We are told that If we skip one of the steps, or don’t do it “properly,” we end up with much mental anguish, and possibly many years of mourning and grief. We will show how the Bible clears this up – leading us into a happy, productive life after tragedy.
Single with Purpose
Never married? Divorced? Widowed? Single life is very much a reality in the church. Some are single by their own choosing, some because of someone else’s choices, and some because God made the choice. Many singles feel like they just don’t fit in, feel like a “fifth wheel.” “Where is my place?” “Why am I here?” “What’s my purpose?” And furthermore “How can God use me now?” Fear of failure, fear of rejection and trust issues are just some of the stumbling blocks that keep many singles from reaching their full potential. This session will identify pitfalls that are common to singleness and help discover God’s purpose for this season of life. Recommended for anyone who is single or works in Singles Ministry.
Childhood Sexual Abuse
Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, even you–can you remember your childhood? Did you live in a wonderful, loving home?? Or were you like 1 out of every 5 little girls, abused by someone you knew and trusted? I know it hurts even to read this, but know that our loving God wants to heal your pain that has been buried for so long; you are not alone, Mark 10:14. What do you do if it has happened to you? Or to someone you know and love? Straight teaching from ladies who have been there and not only survived, but also emerged victoriously. So can you!
Sexual Identity Issues
Many people in our churches today–young and old alike– are battling the spirit of homosexuality. We can no longer stay silent. Jesus has rescued ladies in that lifestyle, and it is their heart’s burden to reach out to others who are struggling. Perhaps you are in the lesbian lifestyle and desire deliverance–there is hope! Or maybe you are the parent or friend of someone in the homosexual lifestyle and would like to have this information to help them. Together we can make a difference. Never give up! The “Sexual Identity Issues,” class will be addressing these issues and more. |
When Young Ladies Hurt
Just below the surface, under the concealing, protective mask, lies the recorded memories of past hurts. These painful experiences directly affect our concepts, feelings and our relationships. It has a direct bearing on the way we view life, God, others and ourselves. In this powerful, informative session, you will discover how to deal with damaged emotions and then experience the Divine repairs that only God can give to our inner person.
Unsaved Husbands
During this class, you will learn how to live the life of a Christian woman who happens to be married to a non-Christian man. You will come to understand that you are called to serve God and minister as He desires in your life. By the end of our session, you will be on your way to experiencing increased peace in your marriage, spiritual growth and prosperity in your walk with Christ! You will gain confidence to seek, pursue, and fulfill the ministry of your calling, to the fullest capacity!
Successful LIving: The Biblical Way
Living Successfully the Bible Way will give you a Godly view of how the Lord measures your success according to His Word. The purpose of biblical truths that will encourage, stabilize, and structure a Godly life. Learn the tragedies of the enemy and how to wield your S-WORD against him when he rises up against you. Applying biblical principles from the Word of God to real life situations. Discovering the source of sin is and how to destroy it out of the lives of Christians. You CAN have a successful, prosperous life!
Ladies Ministers & Ministers Wives
Those involved in ministry are not immune to feelings of disappointment with life, other people, and even with God. A life of service can make one particularly vulnerable, and for that reason, it is vitally important to learn how to gain and maintain a Godly perspective. To fail to do so can lead to burnout. To keep walking in the midst of our own pain should not be a matter of simple stubbornness or human perseverance, but a Godly example of the true meaning of victorious living. This is an exclusive class, and you must be either a minister’s wife or a licensed minister. You won’t want to miss this.
The Power of the Spoken Word
What we say DOES definitely have an impact, not only on our own lives, but also on the lives of those all around us. There is tremendous power in our words–for good or for evil. The Bible says, Death and life are in the power of the tongue. You won’t want to miss this!
Spiritual Warfare
In this class you will discover Biblical principles of warfare. It will enlighten you to the tactics of your adversary and help you identify spiritual attacks. You will gain insight about how the spirit operates when opposing you. You will learn much in this class.
Parenting Disabled Children
People with disabilities are becoming an increasing segment of society. Often families and churches are at a loss as to strategies for educating and ministering to these needs. Help Me Heal has personnel who have experienced the bewildering journey to find answers. Guidelines for working with service providers, counselors, therapists, schools, and faith communities are discussed in this class.
The Forgotten Incarcerated Population
Whether you have loved ones who are incarcerated or want to be involved in a ministry to the incarcerated, this class is for you. Ideas will be presented for offering encouragement to incarcerated friends and family as well as tips for beginning a ministry in local/county jails or state and federal prisons.
Ever Changing
As the Lord leads and the needs of our world are recognized, the list of classes that are available will be ever-changing and ever-growing. We ask that you prayerfully consider what classes will best minister to your group and if God reveals an area outside of the aforementioned classes offered, PLEASE do not hesitate to mention the need to us. We will prayerfully bring it before our committee and try to meet the ‘present’ need for your specific request.